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Monday, 30 March 2009

FSM Security Update: 3-30-09 *Congress Contemplates Mandatory

March 30th
Pres facing fierce opposition from G 20. Obama's ‘Extreme Makeover' of America. Be afraid? Stalinists in Washington? AIG execs treated like Soviet kulaks. Telegraph: BHO's Afghan exit plan a ‘pipe dream.' Don Feder's Age of Obama "Lefti-con."

Exclusive: Obama's Middle East Strategy - A Cause for Concern?
The Editors
"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far." How big a stick is President Obama carrying?
Today's Blog Topics

Bill Ayers Invited to Speak to Illinois High School StudentsObama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign BackersVideo: Corporate welfare is bad, says ...Rahm EmanuelFSM Follows The Economy - Here are the top articles for today. (3-30)Obama Forcing Management Decisions on Corporate AmericaDoes lighting candles for Earth Hour defeat the purpose?Will American Kids Trade Baseball Caps for White Helmets?
Iran is Having an Unhappy New Year
Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman
Iran, alone among Muslim countries, has refused to abandon its pre-Islamic heritage. This year, however, the joy is dampened by some very troubling reality...
Getting Rid of Toxic Congressmen
John Armor
Toxic bank assets are not the only things America needs to rid itself of for a healthier economy...
Exclusive: Congress Contemplates Mandatory ‘Voluntary' Service
Pam Meister
Isn't a "mandatory service requirement" the same thing as "involuntary servitude?"
The Beginning of Obama's ‘Court of Empathy' - First Judicial Nominee Reveals Obama's Cards
Gregory D. Lee
Not surprisingly, the nomination of Judge Hamilton reveals what we can expect from the president on future Supreme Court nominations, and the future does not look pretty.
Exclusive: CRC Open-Source Intelligence Briefs
W. Thomas Smith Jr., Director of the Counterterrorism Research Center
A congressman calls out the Obama administration for its public soft-soaping of terrorists - W. Thomas Smith Jr.'s weekly open-source intelligence briefs.
Telling CO2 Lies to Destroy America
Alan Caruba
When it comes to CO2, Obama, his so-called science advisors, and the Environmental Protection Agency are all lying. It is governmental gangsterism.
Missouri Scraps M.I.A.C. Report
Chuck Baldwin
After multiple thousands of phone calls, e-mails, faxes, and other communications from outraged citizens, the State of Missouri has rescinded its controversial "militia" report...
Exclusive: Do Current Islamic Scholars Advocate Forced Marriage of Children?
Dave Gaubatz
Are there current materials in the mosques and Islamic bookstores that still advocate men to marry (sexually abuse) young girls?

Exclusive: North Korea's Three-Martini Launch
Satire by Shawn Goodwin
In effect, Kim Jong-Il's government is just like the Obama administration, without the fashion sense and teleprompter.

FBI Barters with Muslim Organizations
Frank Gaffney, Jr.
Just how valuable to the country are the "outreach activities" the Bureau has been receiving from CAIR and the other Muslim Brotherhood fronts mentioned in the American Muslim Taskforce press release?

Taking Obama for a Ride
Amir Taheri
As Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami put it: Obama is practically begging the Islamic Republic to take notice of him!

Today's Hot Topics: 3-30
We choose, you peruse.
•1. U.S. Deploys Missile Destroyers to N. Korea
•2. No Exit Strategy, Timeline in Afghanistan Strategy, White House Says
•3. Unseen Enemy
•4. The Left's assault on the CIA program ...about the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah: .... is rife with errors and misinformation.
•5. Obama rules out US troop raids into Pakistan
•6. North Korea is trying to do to Obama what it did to Bush.
•7. The Real Afghan Issue Is Pakistan
•8. Gates: U.S. Not Prepared to Respond to North Korea Missile Launch
•9. Police identify 200 children as potential terrorists
•10. Janet Napolitano has delayed a series of proposed immigration raids and other enforcement actions
•11. Obama: won't speed up Iraq pull out
•12. Obama order worries speech groups
•13. The 'Blame Bibi' Chorus
•14. Forget 'Freedom' -Good Riddance To WTC Moniker
Caption Contest March 26 - March 31

Will your caption come in at number one?

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