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Sunday, 1 February 2009


The Mediaparis-video is open to free service for all around the world people. In my life experience I have injures my heart and mind many many Political and enemy of the the Social persons and my more boi-date is attached in http://www.skyrock.com/

I love to all those people of the World who born in this World earth and who love to humanties and social work and my in my views;

God help those
whose help the helpless !

I also hate to all Jurification of the all around the world countries who did not justify with the humanities poeples.

Last year in the sepember 2008 I have also submitted a file case against the France Police which i have unable to given to me Justification with many many different cases which I have submitted by in the Grow Tribunal of France and hightcourt in the Paris.

But I want to thanks to all who love to humanties and I have also sent to a letter to Mr. Banki Moon Le General Secretary of UNO to help to justified with me to submitted my different different filed case in Juridictional of France.

I hope and want to belived to all the countries of people that there's no any case submitted against me because I have quarrlling and filed the cases against corruption and non-humanties in the world.

More inforamtion you can see and click to http://www.dailymotion.com/ click NAGPAL
and http://www.youtube.com/ and click to dvnewsnagpal

I hope my lovely readers to sent to me your comments about this media-paris.skyblog.com

With best regards from

Dharamvir Nagpal
Chief News Reporter/Editor
Chez; Cité Andre Jacomet
17, bld ney
Tel; 01 45 50 45 00
Mobile; +33 6 63 94 64 86
& 06 24 35 65 37
2nd address;
Chez; Jean Merlin Association
106 bid bld ney
75018 Paris

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My lovely readers , this is a INTERNATIONAL laungage like news paper.

Its for published all community in the world, not for any one !

Please wrote to our thouths my email address is given below;

Dharamvir Nagpal
Chief news reporter/editor
Email; drmvrbr2000@yahoo.fr
106,bis bld ney
75018 Paris