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Friday, 15 May 2009

FSM Security Update: 5-15-09 *Video: Krauthammer: Pelosi Is Now At War With The CIA; I Suspect They Will Destroy Her*

May 15th
McChrystal is a great choice for winning in Afghanistan. The Epistle of Obama to the Physicians! Was Barack Obama a ‘red diaper baby?' Obama voters were ‘suckers?' Have we entered an era of the ‘Overlord in Chief?' A black journalist's perspective on BHO.


Exclusive: Will Obama Try to Force Arab Two-State Plan on Israel?

Linda Korrow

When President Obama meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu next week, will Obama urge him to support the Saudi king's two-state "Arab peace plan"?

The Snake in the Flag

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

America's rattlesnake flag may soon be branded a symbol of "extremism."

Exclusive: Iraqi Police Protect Christians from Islamist Attacks

Jim Kouri, CPP

Islamists continue to target Iraq's Christians, but the Iraqi police are stepping up to the challenge of protecting this nation's religious minority.

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Krauthammer: Pelosi Is Now At War With The CIA; I Suspect They Will Destroy Her
Video: Joe Lieberman Discusses Torture Photos and Prosecutions
Video: Donald Rumsfeld and his wife Assaulted by Code Pink
FSM Follows The Economy - Here are the top articles for today. (5-15)
Speaker Pelosi - CIA Lied - Multiple articles and video
Terrorists in the 'Hood
Earmark Nation: The Founders never imagined spending such vast sums.

New DHS Science Chief Nominee Sparks Debate on Bioterror Threat

Hezbollah, Hamas - and the Muslim Brotherhood?

Douglas Farah

The structure of the Muslim Brotherhood has often been misunderstood in the United States, where it is often viewed as Egyptian organization. This is not the case.


Pelosi Accuses CIA of 'Misleading' Congress on Waterboarding

Exclusive: Iran: Plutonium or Uranium? Does it matter? (Part Two of Three)

Dr. Robin McFee

Tell me again why Iran is building this very expensive reactor that requires a fair amount of heavy water (expensive) for peaceful applications?

Washington Can't Meet the Cheerios Standard

Michelle Malkin

If Beltway spending plans were breakfast cereals, they'd be yanked from grocery stores in a heartbeat. Whom do they think they're kidding, anyway?

Exclusive: The Thin Line Between Espionage and Commerce

William R. Hawkins

Corporate executives who place their own interests over those of the country are operating on no higher moral plane than spies arrested for selling secrets for money.

The Mideast Nuclear Arms Scramble

Amir Taheri

President Obama hasn't shown much interest in the coming nuclear-arms race in the Middle East, but looming geopolitical realities will likely force him to pay more attention to this growing juggernaut.

U.S. Soldiers Help Iraqi Media Spread Word on Neighborhood Improvements

Army Sgt. Dustin Roberts, 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team

A partnership among the local government, Iraqi Security Forces and U.S. Soldiers has given citizens of the Hurriyah neighborhood an improved community

Today's Hot Topics: 5-15

We choose, you peruse.

1.       CIA Chief Warned Israel Not to Bomb Iran in Secret Visit
2.       CIA Denies Cheney's Request to Declassify Interrogation Memos
3.       US journalist freed from Iran arrives in Austria
4.       Obama to Restart Terror Tribunals for Some Guantanamo Bay Detainees
5.       NYC Principal Critically Ill With Swine Flu; 3 Schools Closed
6.       Dick Cheney Gets Results: Liberals on Fire Over CIA Photos, Gitmo, Wars (Rush)
7.       Reboot for "virtual" border fence
8.       Bill fails to solve Guantanamo debate
9.       The idea of releasing photos of alleged abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan was never more than a political stunt
10.   Speaker Pelosi - CIA Lied: Multiple articles, video and FSM Poll
11.   Health Costs Are the Real Deficit Threat - That's why President Obama is making health-care reform a priority.
12.   Democrats Discover Gitmo's Virtues - Move the detainees? Not to my backyard
13.   Diaries Offer Candid View Of Reagan's World
14.   The Alinsky Administration - Today, reading Rules for Radicals is illuminating and worrisome.
15.   Pay More Attention to Harold Koh by Oliver North
16.   Muslim Persecution of Christians
17.   British airline enforces Saudi customs on employees
18.   Once Upon a Time in 2002
19.   Tea Parties Just the Beginning
20.   Photos or No Photos, It's Hard to Picture Obama Winning Over U.S. Enemies
21.   Attorney General Says Administration will ‘Do its Best’ Not to Release Dangerous Prisoners After It Closes Gitmo
22.   ‘No Child Left Inside Act' Would Spend $500M Teaching 'Environmental Literacy' Starting in Kindergarten
23.   Australia looks to China's military expansion to chart its strategic future.
24.   Will Obama's Justice Department Prosecute Abbas for Murder?
25.   Muslim cleric unrepentant about upstaging Pope 

Caption Contest May 14 - 19

Can you come up with the funniest photo caption?

Please send your (clean and tasteful) caption entry (or entries) to FSMCaption@gmail.com by noon on Tuesday.

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