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Wednesday, 27 May 2009

FSM Security Update: 5-27-09 *Video: Babbin on North Korea: U.S. 'Being Played Like a Pretty Cheap Fiddle'*

May 27 th
Are we facing a new civil war...or a revolution? Cutting military budget is the wrong place to trim our national budget. Is Barack Obama attacking the American people? Monica Crowley: ‘Tony Soprano is running the country.' ‘Balls, Stalls and Tough Calls!'



The Ugly American Makes Way for the ‘Apologetic' American

Herbert London

Every time an American apologizes for Vietnam or "wrecking the Atlantic alliance" (to quote President Obama) I want to slap him into sensible thought.

Something Terrible Has Happened to Michael

Joan Swirsky

Is Lt. Michael Behenna being sacrificed for political reasons in the death of a known al Qaeda cell member in Iraq?

Exclusive: On ‘Torture' and the Geneva Conventions - A Match Made in Ignorance

Tom Ordeman, Jr.

Since the Geneva Convention has been in the news of late, a bit of perspective on its relationship with the Gitmo detention facility would be a welcome change.

Obama vs. Cheney on Security: Who's Correct?

Ed Koch

Did the Bush administration sanction needless torture or did enhanced interrogation techniques save American lives?

First Jihadi Cell of 2009 Busted In the United States - What Does It Mean?

Dr. Walid Phares

The arrests of the men making up the Jihadi cell in New York City last week, added to all previous Jihadi cells arrests, tell us one thing...

Video: Babbin on North Korea: U.S. 'Being Played Like a Pretty Cheap Fiddle'
Video: North Korea Test-Fires Missiles Widening Threat
Video: Judge Sonia Sotomayor: Court is Where Policy is Made
Video: Rush: ‘Do I Want Her to Fail...Yes'
Video: Turley: Past Opinions of Sotomayor Lack Intellectual Depth
Video: Schumer "Sotomayor is Brilliant"
Video: Charles Krauthammer - "Problem: North Korea - Answer: Nuclear Japan"

The Vindication of Carbon Means The Vindication of Human Freedom
The Real Story About Aircraft Mechanics


Exclusive: Obama's Appeasement Express Continues with the Nomination of Gov. Huntsman to China

William R. Hawkins

Why should Americans be concerned about Obama's choice of Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. as ambassador to China?

Not all "Compelling Personal Stories" are Equal

Michelle Malkin

If early life poverty wasn't a winning issue boosting Clarence Thomas's résumé during his confirmation process, why is the same biographical fact a major feature of Sotomayor's eligibility to sit on the Supreme Court?

Obama's Shrinking Nuclear Deterrent

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

Will Obama's "nuclear-free world" agenda make America safer against rogue nuclear regimes like North Korea?

Exclusive: The H1N1 Virus - A Challenge for Mexico and the World

Allan Wall

Whether you call it swine flu or something else, it's still spreading worldwide. Besides the threat to public health, H1N1 raises a number of cultural, political and diplomatic questions.

Quote of the Day - May 27, 2009

Appeasement doesn't work.

Caption Contest: Top Entries - May 27

And the winner is...


Today's Hot Topics: 5-27

We choose, you peruse.

•1.                 THREAT OF WAR - N. Korea Warns of Strike Against S. Korea, U.S.
•2.                 Ex-Gitmo detainees turning to terrorism on rise
•3.                 Obama Emulating Jimmy Carter in Portraying U.S. As Soft, Analyst Says
•4.                 N. Korea launches additional missile Tuesday Night
•5.                 Obama to visit Saudi Arabia to discuss peace, Iran
•6.                 Deaths linked to swine flu top 100 worldwide
•7.                 Car bombing kills about 30 in Pakistan
•8.                 U.S. Relies More on Aid of Allies in Terror Cases
•9.                 A shrinking deterrent
•10.              49% Oppose Closing Guantanamo Prison Camp
•11.              UN Security Council condemns N.Korea nuke test
•12.              Sotomayor Ruled Fish Must Be Protected from Power Plants Regardless of Cost-Benefit Analysis
•13.              Islamic Bloc Cool to Obama's Proposed ‘57-State Solution'
•14.              Pakistan's Taliban rising? Ask the women.
•15.              Diplomacy confronts reality.
•16.              Iran Grows Bold
•17.              The Six-Party's Over
•18.              For Iran, It's Apocalypse Now
•19.              American Weakness, Chinese Strength
•20.              Cheney Shows the Way By Patrick Buchanan
•21.              No Time for Tea-and-Crumpet Interrogations by Michael Barone
•22.              Iran and N. Korea Test Obama
•23.              Defeating a Hitler with nukes: Nothing else matters
•24.              Gates Is Optimistic that Weapons Cuts Will Weather Opposition
•25.              How to Reduce the Nuclear Threat - North Korea's test is a troubling development.

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