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Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Dr. Manmohan Singh Visited in France on 14 July 2009

Dr. Manmohan Singh Visited in France on 14 July 2009

ieMfIAw dy pRDwn mMqrI fw. mnmohn isMG 14 nUM PrWs Awauxgy[

pYirs 27 meI 2009 (DrmvIr nwgpwl) PrWs dI rwjDwnI pYirs iv`c SwmI vMfy jWdy AKbwr fwierkt SoAw qoN imlI jwxkwrI Anuswr ieMfIAw dy pRDwn mMqrI jo ik Bwrq dy pihly pRDwn mMqrI pMifq jvwhr lwl nihrU vWg dUjI vwr lok sBw dIAw coxW iv`c ij`q hwsl krky srkwr bxw ky irkwrf kwiem kIqw hY AOrW nUM PrWs dy rwstrpqI imstr inkOlw srkOjI ny PrWs iv`c  AwjwdI idvs dy jSnW dIAw KuSIAw sWJIAw krn leI pYirs dy CWjlI ivKy s`dw p`qr idqw qy fw. mnmohn isMG , siqkwr Xog pRDwn mMqrI jI irp`bilk AwP ieMfIAw 14 julweI nUM irp`bilk AwP PrWs dyS Awauxgy[

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