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Thursday, 28 May 2009

Welcome, Dharamvir Nagpal Vir to your weekly edition of the BBC World Service Email Network.

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Welcome, Dharamvir Nagpal Vir to your weekly edition of the BBC World Service Email Network.
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Twenty20 cricket has made the sport more popular than ever but does it spell the end of the test match game?

3 June

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News | Arts | Documentaries | Business
Evan Davis, Presenter of The Bottom Line Evan Davis is back to grill the masters of industry on how to run a business in the recession.
30 May
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Health Check
A syringe and spoon How has decriminalising illegal drugs in Portugal affected the health system?
1 June
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Heart & Soul
Baghdad mosque Explore Baghdad's golden age at the centre of an empire that ruled half the known world.
31 May
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Jennie Sallows, Senior Research Manager
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Investigating a crisis in the world of the honey bee. Why have millions worldwide died in recent years?
Jennie Sallows, Research Manager, talks about the BBC Global Minds online community.
World Have Your Say
Soldiers in Pakistani army Why is the world not backing the Pakistani army?
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Words in the news
Pyongyang, North Korea Improve your English vocabulary with the latest news stories.
The Flatmates
The Flatmates The latest episode of the online drama for English language learners.
*The programme and schedule information in this email is correct at the
time of publication but may be subject to change at short notice.
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Copyright BBC World Service 2009

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My lovely readers , this is a INTERNATIONAL laungage like news paper.

Its for published all community in the world, not for any one !

Please wrote to our thouths my email address is given below;

Dharamvir Nagpal
Chief news reporter/editor
Email; drmvrbr2000@yahoo.fr
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