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Monday, 13 April 2009

FSM Security Update: 4-13-09 *Hillary Clinton to Give Keynote at CSID, Muslim Brotherhood Leader Also To Be In Attendance

Obama: ‘Muslims' outstanding contributions to American history.' Really? Victor Davis Hanson: Obama, Our Philosopher Organizer. Are Americans now open to being looted from abroad? Is Obama the real ‘arrogant, dismissive, and derisive' one?

Hillary Clinton to Give Keynote at CSID, Muslim Brotherhood Leader Also To Be In Attendance
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report
Why is our Secretary of State scheduled to speak at a conference given by a group whose leading lights are closely associated with the Muslim Brotherhood?

Exclusive: The Tangled Webs We Weave - The New York Times' Anti-Israel Bias

Mark Silverberg
A recent editorial in the New York Times offers a sounding board for all those who believe that Gaza remains "occupied" and that Israel doesn't have the right to defend itself against attack.

Bonfire of the Platitudes

John Armor
" ‘Talents for low intrigue and the little arts of popularity' may suffice for a man to become governor, but the Electoral College would prevent such people from becoming President." Oh, really?

Exclusive: British Cops Bust Obama's Half-Brother for Child Sex Assault

Jim Kouri, CPP
Will the mainstream media report on the latest embarrassment regarding one of Barack Obama's many Kenyan relatives?

Exclusive: CRC Open-Source Intelligence Briefs

W. Thomas Smith Jr., Director of the Counterterrorism Research Center
HAMAS stung by its own stinger and FBI raids in Minneapolis -W. Thomas Smith Jr.'s weekly open-source intelligence briefs
Today's Hot Topics: 4-13
We choose, you peruse.
•1. The Story of a Successful Rescue (and the Obama Administration's Attempt to Claim Credit)
•2. Navy Seals to the Rescue: Ship's Captain Freed, Three Pirates Killed
•3. U.S. Captain's Rescue Raises Stakes in Piracy Ops
•4. Egypt Arrests 49 In Planned Attacks
•5. Islamic Bloc Wants to Set Up its Own Human Rights Body
•6. Shrum Reveals Truth on Amnesty
•7. What Iran Really Thinks About Talks
•8. Pentagon Budget Cramdown by Jed Babbin
•9. Surviving in a post-American world
•10. War By Any Other Name - Obama's new terminology has started a trend.
•11. Scramble to find the Easter bomb factory
•12. Vatican blocks Caroline Kennedy appointment as US ambassador
•13. Former FBI chief defends flow of money to Saudi ambassador
•14. The Moderate Terrorist and Other Fairy Tales from the Party of Change
•15. Tea Parties: Real Grassroots
•16. French Workers Shut Down Eiffel Tower: A Preview Of Socialism
•17. Pirates, Hostages, And Seven Thousand Centrifuges
•18. Euro telecoms sell spy tech to Iran
•19. American Interests in Pakistan
•20. Israel Passes the Missile Test

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Stop Spending Our Future - The CrisisVideo: A New Message From Thomas Paine - Tea PartiesVideo: MSNBC's Maddow Makes Fun of FOX News, Tea Bags and Tea PartiesThe Most Dangerous Place in the World'GIVE' creating youth brigades? Is this a partisan Trojan Horse?John Keegan [in the UK Telegraph] on the need to start hunting down pirates.Anti-Piracy 101

O Abroad: Great Taste, Less Filling

Amir Taheri
Considered as an ego trip, Obama's six-nation tour does appear a success - as far as yielding practical results, however, his tour was a near-total failure on at least six issues.

When the Inmates are in Charge, Science Takes a Back Seat to Ideology

Alan Caruba
If you ever wondered what it would be like if seriously deranged people were close to the seat of power in America, you can stop wondering. Welcome to the wacky world of Dr. John P. Holdren, Obama's science advisor.

Exclusive: When It Comes To Defending Our Nation's Honor and Heritage, BHO is MIA

Gabriel Garnica, Esq.
If BHO disrespects America; if he ignores the basic, simple respect of our fallen heroes and glorious past, then what does this tell us about this person recently elected to this nation's highest office?

The Liberal Fix for U.S. Prisons is No Fix at All

Gregory D. Lee
The vast majority of Americans firmly believe that if someone commits a crime, regardless if violence is involved or not, he needs to be punished for it. What is so hard to understand about that?

Quote of the Day - April 13, 2009

Losing our nerve.

Caption Contest April 9 - 14

Please send your (clean and tasteful) caption entry (or entries) to FSMCaption@gmail.com by noon on Tuesday.

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