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Wednesday, 10 June 2009

FSM Security Update: 6-10-09: *America’s First Muslim President*

June 10 th
Who IS Barack Hussein Obama? Mark Steyn: "The Muslim World?" The treachery of America's 5th column. O's totalitarian gov't is expanding. Revolution! Dreams from Frank Marshall Davis. What does Obama mean by healthcare "reform?"


Exclusive: Meet America's First Muslim: It's a Real Scream

Paul L. Williams

Who was the first American Muslim, and how did he influence Islam in America today?


Exclusive: America's Most Forgotten: The Victims of Illegal Alien Crime - Adrienne Shelly

Carolyn Cooke

The mother of a three-year-old, wife, talented actress, director and screenwriter is murdered by an illegal alien from Ecuador who attempted to make her death appear a suicide.


America's First Muslim President

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

Just as Bill Clinton was America's first "black" president, so is Barack Obama's America's first "Muslim" president.

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Bringing An End To This False Prophet .... by Jon Voight
Video: No More 'War on Terror'-Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points
Video: Murdoch Says Obama Big Gov't 'Dangerous'
Video: Sen. Sessions On Rush Date of Sotomayor
Video: Rush Limbaugh: Obama is Destroying the Economy
FSM Follows The Economy - Here are the top articles for today.
Rush, Hannity, and the America of our Parents
Political Jujitsu
Video: Introducing the Government-Backed DMV Automotive Repair Center
GE/NBCU trying to stifle other media's coverage of company.


Sonia Sotomayor, Clarence Thomas, Mark Twain, and the NY Times

John Armor

The best way to examine the judicial philosophy of a judge is to read the opinions that he or she wrote, especially where there was a dissent by other judges. Tell that to the Times.


Exclusive: ‘The Third Jihad' - An Interview with Peter Connors

The Editors

"The underlying issue is a lack of education: Americans are content with remaining unaware of threats to national security, and the media are more than happy to oblige."


Exclusive: Obama's Speech Was a Missed Opportunity (Part One of Two)

Nicholas Guariglia

In Cairo, Obama missed a golden opportunity to take firm philosophical control of an all-important ideological war that wages to this hour.


Cold Cash, Hot Democratic Mess

Michelle Malkin

In January 2006, Pelosi promised to clean up corruption in Congress. How has Democrat William "Cold Cash" Jefferson escaped the Speaker's get-tough scrutiny?


Cedars Revolution Defeats Hezbollah in Election - Putting March 14 to the Test

Dr. Walid Phares

The victory of the March 14 coalition, in a very challenging local, regional and international context, is a benchmark with multiple lessons to learn.


The Horrors of North Korea's Gulags

Peter Brookes

Pyongyang's shocking attempt to use 2 young American journalists as political bargaining chips is drawing the world's attention to the appalling death camps there.


Isolating Islamists - Lebanon Votes for Freedom

Amir Taheri

President George W. Bush's Freedom Agenda is alive and well in the Middle East. Obama should adopt it as his own.


Caption Contest: Top Entries - June 10

And the winner is...


Today's Hot Topics: 6-10

We choose, you peruse.

1. U.S. Technology Being Used Against U.S. Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan Because of Lax Export Controls
2. Obama Discovers North Korea - The sentencing of two Americans indicates the limits of talk.
3. Photo Fight: Lieberman and Graham Threaten Senate Shutdown
4. Gitmo Detainee Brought to NYC for Trial
5. Palau Agrees to Take Uighur Gitmo Detainees
6. U.S. Envoy: No Intention to Invade North Korea
7. The Media Fall for Phony 'Jobs' Claims - The Obama Numbers Are Pure Fiction.
8. Taliban Terror: Militants attack in Pakistan, 11 dead, 70 hurt... Luxury hotel...
9. A Dead Watchdog
10. Suspect in 1998 Embassy Bombings Pleads Not Guilty in New York Court Appearance
11. Five Months Later, We Examine Barack Obama's Empty Promises
12. How to end the civil war and weaken the Islamists.
13. Will a key anti-terror tool fall victim to Obama's Muslim outreach?
14. Why Are Dems Racing Sotomayor Through?
15. McCain deserts Palin again on oil drilling in Arctic refuge
16. (Video) Joe Biden pushes envelope with Sonia Sotomayor praise
17. Iran's Potemkin Election
18. Obama and the Settlements
19. GOP Denounces Government-Run Health Care; Filibuster May Not Be Possible
20. Boom Town - Washington is awash in money.
21. Journalist Pawns in the Nuclear Game
22. Taking a Stand Against Iran
23. Digging in for Obama's health-care offensive By: Byron York
24. Politico Reports Palin's a Thud at NRSC Dinner, all Others Say She Was a Hit
25. Remembering the Duke Again

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