Popular Posts

Thursday, 30 July 2009

FSM Security Update

July 30th
Obama's ‘summer of discontent.' Howard Galganov: "I told you so!" Obama's dwindling power. Is it true that '47 million Americans are uninsured?' Warner Todd Huston: Obamacare means an end to liberty and freedom. JB Williams: A Constitution in full crisis.


More Details on ObamaCare: The Horrifying Proof is in the Bill - If Only More Lawmakers Would Read It!

The Editors

Citizens are doing what our elected representatives are failing to do - reading the healthcare bill, the provisions of which ought to scare you out of a year's growth.

Exclusive: A Page from Barack Obama's Diary - Let's Crack Open a Beer and Start the Healing

Pam Meister

Honestly, I cannot understand what all the hooh hah is about. Although I'm the president, first and foremost I'm a community organizer. I agitate. That's what community organizers do.

When it Comes to Healthcare, Don't Become a ‘Dumpee'

Lee Ellis

Our president also keeps telling us that if we have a private insurance program, we will be allowed to keep it. Unfortunately, as is done by many con artists or deceivers, something is always left out.

Today's Blog Topics

Video: ‘Racial Opportunist': Malkin Stuns ‘Today Show' Host With Comments About Obamas
Video: Rep. Paul Ryan debates ObamaCare - More Conservatives should speak as well
Video: Obama Scrambles to Modify Message as Health Care Bills Struggle in Congress
Video: Obama seems upset about those telling the truth about Obamacare....
Video: Obamacare - "Greatest Generation" denied medical care
Video: Constitutionally Astute US Soldier Demands Apology From Senator at Town Hall
Wife and mother of terror suspects says FBI tricked her
Obama's No. 3 at Justice OK'd Panther reversal - Case involved polling place in Philadelphia
New Poll Finds Growing Unease on Health Plan
Looking for an antidote to An Inconvenient Truth? Your search is over.
How many American 'Czars' is too many?

America Needs a Take-Home Pay Raise

Newt Gingrich

If we want to be a pro-work, pro-savings and pro-family nation, it's past time we stop punishing Americans who work, save and provide for their families.

Americans No Longer See Terrorism as a Threat

Paul Williams, Ph.D.

"If the plane belongs to a country at war with Muslims, like Israel, it is allowed to hijack it, for there is no sanctity for Israel or for the Jews in it."

From the Wright Flyer to the Raid on Ploesti

Military History

Military Milestones from the Wright Flyer to the Raid on Ploesti.

NBC's ‘The Wanted' Delivers the Goods

Roger Aronoff

A recent television show has not only given rare exposure to the terrorist mentality, it has also shown positive benefits stemming from the war in Iraq while highlighting media hypocrisy.

Rising Tensions with Chávez in South America

Douglas Farah

The hypocrisy of Chávez leading the charge for democracy in Honduras is extraordinary, even by Chávez's standards.

Caption Contest July 30 - August 4

Can you come up with the funniest photo caption?

Today's Hot Topics: 7-30

We choose, you peruse.

•1. Revenge of the ‘Shoe Bomber' - The terrorist sues to resume his jihad from prison. The Obama administration caves in.
•2. Obama's Great Health Scare - The president resorts to the politics of fear.
•3. Dems Push Health Compromise, Liberals Cringe
•4. U.S. Shifts Target of Drones From Al Qaeda to Taliban
•5. Illegal Immigrants Account for $10.7 Billion of Nation's Health Care Costs, Data Show
•6. Health-Care Bill Would Establish 'Medical Homes' (to warehouse) for the Elderly and Disabled
•7. Nigerian Army Kills 100 at Islamic Mosque
•8. Obama Has Aura but Doesn't Know How To Legislate By Michael Barone
•9. Oklahomans hit Justice's meddling on English-only move
•10. Spain car bombing injures 60 at police barracks
•11. Homeland insecurity: Napolitano keeps shortchanging New York on terror funds
•12. Homegrown Terror Threat Increasing
•13. Banishing Our Friends - The State Department revokes the visas of Honduran officials.
•14. Obama loses immigration allies
•15. Islamic militancy in Bangladesh shows new signs of life
•16. House Democrats reach deal on healthcare bill
•17. Why Obama should make George W. Bush his Mideast envoy.
•18. Newsweek's Embedded Obama Campaign Reporter Joins Obama Administration
•19. Sen. Bond pushes Obama to come clean on interrogations.
•20. Joe Biden update: Lots of closed meetings, a poll number under Cheney
•21. Democrat Party in Peril as Dr. Chicago "Retools" Health Care Lies
•22. They're Coming For Your Tonsils
•23. House Dems Hide Cost Of Health Plan
•24. Vote No on Sonia Sotomayor
•25. Choosing the Chosen People - Anti-Semitism is essentially hatred of capitalism and excellence.

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