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Monday, 27 July 2009

FSM Security Update 27 July 2009 (Newsletter)

July 27th

Promoting racial paranoia? Thomas Sowell: Magician politics. The science czar, John Holdren, once backed compulsory sterilization and forced abortion. What are we in for?


Exclusive: How Does America Rid Itself of Its First Black President?

Bill Siegel

His failures present a troubling dilemma for much of the public: We worked so hard to get on this train and congratulated ourselves so profusely for climbing aboard. How do we get off?

Will Janet Napolitano Arrest an Illegal Alien for Any Reason?

Gregory D. Lee

If in the course of a police encounter the officer determines that the alien is in the country illegally, should he ignore this because the alien only committed a minor infraction?

Exclusive: A Page from Barack Obama's Diary - Healthcare Is All About Me, and Don't You Forget It!

Pam Meister

Whenever I say "let me be perfectly clear," you know I'm about to tell a whopper.

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Rep. McMorris: Democratic Health Plan A "Disaster"
Video: Clinton to Iran: ‘Your Pursuit [of Nukes] is Futile'
Video: Palin Farewell Scolds Media While Touting Free Speech
Video: Bill Kristol on Fox News: Obama ‘Is an Arrogant Man'
Video: 1996 - Professor Gates Bashes ‘Racist' White Institutions, Clarence Thomas & Newt Gingrich
The Shrinking President
Video: Frum, Coulter, Bay Buchanan - Debate Sarah Palin
Barack Obama discovers socialist projects at home and a pro-Marxist foreign policy are making him unpopular
How To Be A Patriot - A 12-Step Program
Senator Robert Menendez promises citizenship at LA RAZA conference - Amnesty disguised as Healthcare Reform
Protect everyone, not just president, from EMP attack

First Brat

Alan Caruba

Ten minutes into the answer to the first question asked at President Obama's latest press conference, I had a kind of epiphany. This guy should be called the First Brat.

Stupid Cops?

Steve Bowers, Esq.

Quoting Casey Stengel - ‘You Could Look It Up'

John Armor

If I could learn by age 12 that you don't mouth off to the cops, there is absolutely no way that the "distinguished" Professor Gates shouldn't have learned the same lesson by the age of 55.

Lebanese Soldiers Reportedly Receive Hizballah Missile Training

W. Thomas Smith, Jr.

According to sources, "Hizballah has penetrated many elements of the Lebanese army from intelligence to combat arms units."

U.S. Should Encourage Democracy in Africa, Counter the Wahhabis

Dr. Walid Phares

If America should not impose "its own" democratic system, can it stay neutral when oppressive regimes and forces impose their "own repressive" systems?

Health Care: It's Also About Values

Star Parker

We hear a lot of talk about eliminating waste and having more preventative health care. But the most powerful health care initiative we could get is the last thing they will propose...

Exclusive: That's One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Conspiracy Nuts

Satire by Shawn Goodwin

While most Americans regard the moon landing as the greatest thing since canned bread, there were more than a few people who believe the entire event was staged. What's up with that?

Exclusive: Feds Round Up New Jersey Democrat Government Officials for Corruption Charges

Jim Kouri, CPP

Nearly 50 individuals in New Jersey were charged as a result of a federal investigation of public corruption and a high-volume, international money laundering conspiracy.

‘The math doesn't add up real well'

Jeff Schogol, Stars and Stripes

As the sun came up, the firing started. It was sporadic at first, but as the day progressed it became a full battle that lasted for more than three days.

Exclusive: There Has Been Real Health Reform - And ObamaCare Threatens It

Ruth King

Do the baby boomers have any clue what is in store for them if the government gets involved in medical care?

Today's Hot Topics: 7-27

We choose, you peruse.

  1. Iran Threatens Strike on Israel's Nuclear Facilities if Attacked
  2. Israel's Barak: 'No Option' Off the Table on Iran
  3. Morality and Charlie Rangel's Taxes - It's much easier to raise taxes if you don't pay them.
  4. Does the commander in chief misunderstand the use of force?
  5. Protesters worldwide rally for Iranian opposition
  6. Clinton: North Korea, Iran Faces International Opposition
  7. Rasmussen: Obama Double-Digit Negatives
  8. Dr. Obama's Tonsillectomy - Do Americans want a federal board deciding if their kids need surgery?
  9. Obama Presses Israel to Halt Plans Funded by Rennert
  10. Dodd may snub lobbyists, but not their cash
  11. Obamacare Follies: A Perilous Rush
  12. Border Patrol agent slain while responding to incursion
  13. Iran president dismisses top deputy under pressure
  14. Know-Nothing-in-Chief: There's no evidence Obama has even a sketchy grasp of economics.
  15. Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals Almost Two to One in America, According to Washington Post Poll
  16. Govs In Trouble - Dems Sinking In The States By Michael Barone
  17. CBO deals new blow to health plan
  18. Idling ends for rules on Mexican trucks
  19. Dem Health Care Bill Uses Term 'Retarded'...
  20. What's Chinese for .limitedgovernment?
  21. Obama Exacerbates Racial Divide
  22. Showdown: Texas May Reject Nationalized Healthcare...
  23. 'The Wanted' out to grab terrorists, viewers
  24. He Said/V.I.P. Said by Mark Steyn
  25. An American Hero of the Holocaust

Caption Contest July 23 - 28

Please send your (clean and tasteful) caption entry (or entries) to FSMCaption@gmail.com by noon on Tuesday.

Good Enough for You, but Not Good Enough for Obama?

Steve Bowers, Esq.

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