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Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Politics: Obama Names Overseer to Set Pay at Rescued Companies

If you have trouble reading this e-mail, go to: http://www.nytimes.com/indexes/2009/06/10/politics/politicsemail/index.html

The Obama administration appointed Kenneth R. Feinberg to the new post, giving him broad discretion to set pay for 175 top executives at seven of the nation’s largest companies.

In the debate about how the government racked up so much debt, there is enough blame to go around.


Democratic voters in Virginia selected State Senator R. Creigh Deeds as their party’s nominee for governor, defeating Clinton confidante Terry McAuliffe.

Leaders in both chambers said they wanted to establish a new public health insurance program, which would compete with private insurers.

Jeffrey Deskovic, wrongly imprisoned until vindicated by DNA, had a brush with Sonia Sotomayor, the Supreme Court nominee, during his long years behind bars.

The Republican proposal was introduced as an alternative to the Democratic plan barreling toward a House vote this month.

The Caucus

Lawmakers oppose the July 13 date set by the Democrats on Tuesday, saying it's too short a time period to study her rulings and background.


Louise Story reports on the $68 billion in TARP funds that 10 of the big banks plan to begin repaying.

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