| | "I fully agree with the speech of President Obama, including the question of the veil," said President Sarkozy, Saturday June 6 in Caen. In a speech on Islam delivered in Cairo two days earlier, Mr. Obama had said that "it is important that Western countries avoid prevent Muslims from practicing their religion as they wish, for example by dictating that a Muslim should be. " The statement was seen as an attack against the laws of some European countries, including the French law of 2004 which de facto ended the wearing of headscarves in French public schools. At 8 hours by e-mail, get the checklist, your daily morning Subscribe to Monde.fr: € 6 per month + 30 days available On the same subject U.S. President Barack Obama arrived on Friday June 5 at the concentration camp of Buchenwald in eastern Germany, to pay tribute to victims of the Holocaust. Portfolio Obama visits the concentration camp of Buchenwald Facts Obama welcomed the "bravery" of allied forces Mr Sarkozy decryption must adapt to the policy of Mr. Obama Zoom Black soldiers of the United States, forgotten heroes of June 6, 1944 Cadrage The commemorations planned Summary Port of sailing: the reactions in France to Barack Obama
"In France a young girl who wants to wear the veil can. It is his freedom," said the french president, arguing that France will put "two limits, because we are a secular state." "The first is that counter government, officials should not have a visible sign of their religious affiliation," continued the president. The second reserve is to ensure that the decision to wear the veil comes from the "free choice" of Muslim girls and not be imposed "by their family or their entourage." Because France is a country where we respect women. " Mr Sarkozy said to have done much when he was Minister of the Interior "for Muslims to live their faith as any religion." In the evening, friends of Nicolas Sarkozy still accurate: "It is clear that the president is not wearing the veil at school. This is imposed by law. "
Mr Sarkozy called the Cairo speech "remarkable." "Long ago we were expecting that the United States, leading the world, take their responsibilities to avoid a clash of cultures between the West and East," he continued.
Barack Obama has explained his intentions: "What I tried to do in Cairo is to open a conversation in Muslim countries but also in non-Muslim countries ... We should not have two standards on freedom of 'religious expression, one for Muslims and another for non-Muslims. "
Second point grip, Turkey's accession to the European Union (EU), which was asked in the debate on the eve of European elections. "The aim is to agree on ... is that Turkey can play its role as a bridge between East and West. When there is a difference is on arrangements," said French president, reiterating his proposal for an "economic space and common security" involving the EU, Turkey and Russia. "This does not mean that we must push Turkey into the darkness," said Mr Sarkozy.
Mr. Obama took the precaution of recalling that the United States was not a member of the EU and that they were not to "dictate terms" entry. "Accession of Turkey to the EU would be important," he repeated, however. "Let us at least a slight difference", Mr Sarkozy has argued, using the argument of those who accuse him of being aligned at any point on the foreign policy of the United States.
Finally, the two presidents have sought to clear the controversy about the shortness of their interviews, while the Obama family spent the weekend in Paris. Nicolas Sarkozy has long wanted to organize a visit to Paris more demonstrative and the Elysée, but has not obtained the consent of the American president. "You think we have nothing else to do but beautiful glossy photos, Nicolas Sarkozy was irritated. We're there to work, to get results." Barack Oabama answered a charge that he was also in Germany, he crossed gale. "I'd love to spend a week in Paris, going out with my wife in good restaurants, sailing on the Seine and picnic at the Jardin du Luxembourg. All this is done. For the moment, "said Obama. "Good friends do not care symbols, protocols, conventions ... It's not necessary to spend a lot of time every time". Arnaud Leparmentier |
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