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Friday, 19 June 2009

FSM Security Update: 6-19-09 * A Letter to Press Secretary Gibbs on the Obama Birth Certificate Question – Round Two*

June 19 th
Don't miss "The Letter" on Glenn Beck! Obama, the "great leveler." Sweeping Khalidi under Obama's rug? BHO's health care promises ring hollow. Mark Steyn: A society of adults-turned-children cannot survive.

Exclusive: A Letter to Press Secretary Robert Gibbs on the Obama Birth Certificate Question - Round Two
John D. Hemenway, Esq
It is evident to any person knowing the basic facts that Obama is covering up something personal he wishes strongly to conceal.
CAIR's Silence on Iran Exposes its Radical Values
Steve Emerson
Does CAIR's failure to speak out this week indicate they do not find Iran's brutality in an attempt to put down the demonstrations unjust?
Exclusive: Are Hamas and Hezbollah Uniting to Crush Iranian Dissidents?
Paul L. Williams
Why would Hamas, a Sunni terrorist organization, be involved in supporting the regime of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Shiite mullahs?
The Birth Certificate Question: An Open Letter to Shephard Smith at FOX News
Col. Bob Pappas (USMC, ret.)
Given Mr. Obama's commitment to be totally transparent with the American people, please explain in detail why he has gone to such lengths to deny discovery of any of his records.
Exclusive: Cuts in Missile Defense Spending Dangerous and Shortsighted
Peter Huessy
Why would the House Armed Services Committee turn down efforts to restore missile defense funds to meet immediate threats from Iran and North Korea?
Today's Blog Topics
Video: Napolitano: Gitmo "Contrary To American Values"Video: Obama's Approval Rating Drops Five PointsVideo: Will libertarian John Stossel be part of ABC's Obama infomercial?Video: George W. Bush Speaks Out About Obama AdministrationLos Angeles suggests putting unemployed parents to work -- caring for their own children...Where is the Gore, when 2 employees kidnapped in N. Korea need him?Video: Congressman Randy Forbes: Our Judeo-Christian NationThe Green Rebellion Sometimes it is more essential to define the nature of evil than goodChange People Are Starting To No Longer Believe In
The Path to the Future Requires a Return to the Roots
Frank Salvato
Americans must revive our traditional championship of the rights of individuals as originally outlined by our founders in the Charters of Freedom.
Committee on the Judiciary's Weekly Illegal Immigration Update
The Editors
A weekly roundup of news on the illegal alien front for American citizens who are concerned about the security of our nation's borders, the viability of our economy, and the safety of our citizens.
The Obamacare Horror Story You Won't Hear
Michelle Malkin
What if Obama's universal health care is just old-fashioned Cook County-style cost-cutting and favor-trading, rewarding political cronies at the expense of the poor, while masquerading as minority aid?
Journalist Threatened For Exposing Terrorism Cover-Ups
Cliff Kincaid
Was al Qaeda involved in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the 1996 crash of TWA Flight 800? And why is an Emmy Award-winning journalist being threatened for asking the question?
Today's Hot Topics: 6-19
We choose, you peruse.
1. U.S. to Detail CIA Interrogation, Secret Detention
2. U.S. Military Tracking North Korean Ship Suspected of Proliferating Missiles, Nukes
3. Iran Ultimatum to Mousavi: Toe the Line or Else
4. Iran's clerics risk losing influence
5. Judge wants Plame case notes on Cheney's FBI interview
6. Critics Attack ABC News for Refusing to Air Opposing Ads During Obama's Health Care Special
7. U.S. shadows N. Korean ship
8. Japan warns that North Korea may fire missile at U.S. on Independence Day
9. Obama Clueless on Iran By Charles Krauthammer
10. Three Dirty Little Secrets in the Public Health-Care Plan
11. Poll: Israeli Jews See Obama as Pro-Palestinian
12. With Twitter's help, the youth of Iran take on the ayatollahs.
13. Obama Is No Reagan: The Polish Lesson Ignored in Iran
14. Senator Burris, Member Of The Armed Services Committee - What Do You Mean The Military Has Research Labs?
15. George W. reminds us leadership is not something that comes off a teleprompter.
16. Why Scrap A Health Care System That 250 Million Americans Like?
17. John Kerry, The junior senator from Massachusetts was for denouncing the Iranian election before he was against it.
18. DeMint: Boxer Is "Loose Cannon" Who "Speaks Before She Thinks"
19. Obama's Phony Iran Dilemma by Jed Babbin
20. Iranian Official Admits Nuclear Program Is Not Peaceful
21. Senator asks about firings of watchdogs - Removal of 2 inspectors general prompts questions
22. Bush hopes closing Guantanamo won't risk security
23. Reading Miranda Rights to Terrorists Is 'Crazy' and 'Stupid,' Say GOP Congressmen
24. Mousavi Spokesman Smacks Obama
25. 'The Fear Is Gone' Voices from Iran.
26. Mr. Burd Goes to Washington - Business will pay for government health care.
27. ObamaCare Sticker Shock - A $1.6 trillion deficit boost, and the uninsured will still be with us.
28. No, you won't be able to keep your insurance if you like it.
Caption Contest June 18 - 23

Original Caption: Illegal immigrants from Somalia wait before boarding a vessel in the port town of Bossaso March 13, 2008. (REUTERS) The glory is all in seeing if your caption comes in at #1! Please send your (clean and tasteful) caption entry (or entries) to FSMCaption@gmail.com by noon on Tuesday. The top entries will be posted in this space next Wednesday.

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