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Thursday, 11 June 2009

FSM Security Update: 6-11-09 *Is Obama a Neville Chamberlain? Sorry – He’s Far Worse*

June 11 th
Don't close GITMO! Obama's trail of broken campaign promises. Tough days ahead for him. Betrayal of the Democrats. (Must read!) Nile Gardiner: Obama should stop talking to tyrants. Recall the Stimulus; let the De-TARPing Begin; set the Fed free!


Is Obama a Neville Chamberlain? Sorry - He's Far Worse

Thomas F. Roeser

Would I could hear repeat of Cromwell's ejection of the Rump Parliament: "In the name of God, go!"

Exclusive: Bad Moon Rising: The End of Israel

Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

Obama's lethal policies concerning Israel follow his claim that America is not a Christian nation and represents "one of the largest Muslim countries." Who on earth is this person we elected to our presidency?

Today's Blog Topics

Video: Rep. Bachmann: Obama Is Running A "Gangster" Government
Video: Risks of a Nuclear Iran
Audio: Rep Says Congress Not Briefed That Agents Now Read Miranda Rights to Enemy Combatants
Video: Obama Reverses Course on Miranda Rights for High Value Gitmo Detainees
Video: Rove: Maureen Dowd Is "Bitter, Twisted, Deranged" Columnist
Video: Ziegler on MSNBC to discuss his interview with Sarah Palin, in which she responds to a verbal attack from David Letterman.
'Orwellian language' in UK schools - Damning report!
Rush Limbaugh pummels Obama on birth certificate
Growing Up In Georgia
Readying Americans for Dangerous, Mandatory Vaccinations

Exclusive: Public Parity: Towards Liberty and Justice for All

Kent Osband

Excess benefits for government employees are a time bomb for America. Will undoing them require constitutional amendment?

The Two-State NON-Solution

Jill Cooper

Whenever two incompatible peoples are deliberately confined within one space, bloody conflict almost always results.

More Scandals Haunt Sotomayor

Cliff Kincaid

The words uttered by Sonia Sotomayor were evidence of racism. What's more, she had made the same kind of statement on different occasions. However, there's another major controversy lurking.

Exclusive: Obama's Speech Was a Missed Opportunity (Part Two of Two)

Nicholas Guariglia

From Iraq, to Iran, to human rights, to women's rights, President Obama equivocated in front of his hosts, and told them precisely what they wanted to hear.

Exclusive: Auto Industry - Is Gov't Intervention in Line with National Interests?

William R. Hawkins

If the purpose of government intervention and subsidy is to preserve the American industrial base, why are foreign deals part of the mix?

The Bear Is Back - We Face Increasing Challenges from a Resurgent Russia

Peter Brookes

Moscow is increasingly heavy-handed at home, domineering abroad and hell bent on reasserting Russia once again as a great world power. Are they reconstituting a dangerous new USSR?

Western Sahara: Time to Move Ahead, Realistically

J.Peter Pham, PhD

Why all this attention to a conflict on the African continent that most Americans have never heard of, much less formed an opinion about?

Caption Contest June 11 - 16

Can you come up with the funniest photo caption?

Today's Hot Topics: 6-11

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