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Tuesday, 2 June 2009

FSM Security Update: 6-02-09 *Islamic Convert Had ‘Political and Religious Motives' for Shooting Soldiers*

June 2nd
AJ DiCintio - "language is the canary in the coal mine." Be very afraid of the proposed VAT tax. Michael O'Hanlon - nuclear traffic with terrorists. How is Obama the ‘Metro sexual in Chief?!' Jonah Goldberg: Empathy v. Impartiality. Barack & Israel's sovereignty.


Exclusive: Islam and Muslims: History of Oppression, Violence, and Fanaticism

Dr. Sami Alrabaa

Have you ever pondered what has been the contribution of Islam and Muslims to the world civilization until now?

Obama Sows a Mideast Whirlwind

Frank Gaffney, Jr.

Will a reaffirmation of American solidarity with Israel come in time to prevent the winds of war being whipped up by Mr. Obama's posturing and rhetoric?

Exclusive: Personal ID - Just Good Common Sense

Renee Taylor

You buy a home and then provide its protection, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. Why not your children?

Exclusive: What Is the Proper Role of Government?

John Howard

The fundamental object of the American project is individual freedom; the sanctity of the individual, the basic assumption of American conservatism - as such, what is government's role?

Covering for the Radicals - The Mainstream Media's ‘Usual Bunch'

Steve Emerson

The old story of reporters favoring a good quote over the old shoe-leather approach of tracking down a paper trail means that radical Islam continues to be whitewashed by the media.
Today's Blog Topics

Video: Arkansas Cops: Islamic Convert Had ‘Political and Religious Motives' for Shooting Soldiers
Video: Reporter To Gibbs: How Much Was The President's Tax-Funded Date Night?
Answering Peggy Noonan: Why Sotomayor Should Withdraw
Climate change talks enter crucial phase in Bonn conference
Thugs vs. Voters
Vide: Is Anyone Minding the Store at the Federal Reserve?

The Taliban's Continuing Foreign Support

Douglas Farah

If someone claims to have bought 7,000 bricks for a clinic, but only purchased 5,000 and the remaining funds given to the Taliban, who would know?

An ‘Other' Terrorist Group Has Been Crushed

Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman

If a terrorist group is crushed on the other side of the globe and no one reports on it, did it really happen?

Meet Our Decorated Heroes - God Bless Them! Sgt. 1st Class Jarion Halbisengibbs - Distinguished Service Cross - Iraq Capt. Matthew Chaney and Sgt. 1st Class Michael Lindsay - Silver Stars - Iraq

Michelle Tan, Army Times.com

Fast, fierce fight results in one DSC, two Silver Stars
Today's Hot Topics: 6-2
We choose, you peruse.

•1. Jihad Attack?

•2. The Axis of Evil, Again

•3. A Victory in Pakistan

•4. Cheney: No link between Saddam Hussein, 9/11

•5. A Nationalized GM May Drive Off More Customers, Economists and Consumers Say

•6. Obama Urged to Tackle Religious Persecution in Cairo Speech

•7. Obama Claims He Won't Run GM, Then Explains How He Will Run GM

•8. Obama says US cannot impose its values: BBC interview

•9. Blago talked to Durbin about Senate

•10. The Speech President Obama Won't Give in Egypt by Dennis Prager

•11. Muslim convert assassinates Army recruiter in Little Rock

•12. Stopping the Taliban Mafia

•13. Israel: Bam Voyage's 'Missing Leg'

•14. Muslim Convert Recruiter shot dead outside Army office

•15. 'Muslim convert who opposed U.S. military'...

•16. Geithner tells China its dollar assets are safe

•17. U.S. officials raise alarm about new Venezuelan missiles

•18. "Moderate" Muslims who fought "extremists" not so "moderate" after all

•19. Pakistan Troops Rescue Students

•20. Barack Obama Must Heed the Lessons of the Holocaust by Nile Gardiner

•21. The cost of the Obama NYC weekend

•22. A REAL Problem for Obama - The law that may stop the president from releasing terrorists into the United States.

•23. Innocent or "Infidel" Abroad? by Cal Thomas

•24. Obama Invites Iranian Officials to 4th of July Parties

•25. Target Alaska: Gov. Palin Pushes SDI

Caption Contest May 28-June 2

Will your caption come in at number one?

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